I continue highlights of my event photoshoot in this Part 10. I had the privilege of being hired by Poor-Box Productions (of "The Vagina Monologues" fame) to photograph the debuting theatre performance of Eve Ensler's globally acclaimed play "Emotional Creature", produced and directed by Mahabanoo Mody-Kotwal & Kaizaad Kotwal, at the NCPA Mumbai on March 15, 2014. Reproduced here, with permission, are my those photos I believe do justice in capturing the intense emotion and vigour with which the nine-member cast brought out the strong messages in the play. And to do justice to them all, I need to break up my photo essay into multiple parts.
I continue highlights of my event photoshoot in this Part 9. I had the privilege of being hired by Poor-Box Productions (of "The Vagina Monologues" fame) to photograph the debuting theatre performance of Eve Ensler's globally acclaimed play "Emotional Creature", produced and directed by Mahabanoo Mody-Kotwal & Kaizaad Kotwal, at the NCPA Mumbai on March 15, 2014. Reproduced here, with permission, are my those photos I believe do justice in capturing the intense emotion and vigour with which the nine-member cast brought out the strong messages in the play. And to do justice to them all, I need to break up my photo essay into multiple parts.
I continue highlights of my event photoshoot in this Part 8. I had the privilege of being hired by Poor-Box Productions (of "The Vagina Monologues" fame) to photograph the debuting theatre performance of Eve Ensler's globally acclaimed play "Emotional Creature", produced and directed by Mahabanoo Mody-Kotwal & Kaizaad Kotwal, at the NCPA Mumbai on March 15, 2014. Reproduced here, with permission, are my those photos I believe do justice in capturing the intense emotion and vigour with which the nine-member cast brought out the strong messages in the play. And to do justice to them all, I need to break up my photo essay into multiple parts.
DNA publishes my photos under "Emotional Creature - The Secret Life of Girls Around the World"3/29/2014 Here are the photos used in the article (see below). http://www.dnaindia.com/lifestyle/report-emotional-creature-the-secret-life-of-girls-around-the-world-1973056
Emotional Creature — The Secret Life of Girls Around the World Friday, 28 March 2014 - 6:21pm IST | Place: Mumbai | Agency: DNA Girl power rules in this imaginative yet matter-of-fact portrayal of the prisons that girls around the world find themselves in
If you're expecting a sob-fest starring girls whining about the sore deal that life has dealt them, you've walked into the wrong theatre. Poorbox Productions, which had us in splits for over ten years, with their rendition of Eve Ensler's Vagina Monologues has now set the stage for young girls to seize power, to expose reality in all its grotesqueness, to tell truths as unpalatable as they may be, to break free from the prisons of what is expected, and perhaps to change the world as women know it. Thoughtfully directed by Kaizaad Kotwal and Mahabanoo-Mody Kotwal, nine girls bring life to Eve Ensler's monologues, with non-sentimental acceptance of real-world scenarios. But they don't stop at acceptance... From the Masai Girl (Kamalika Guha Thakurta) who walks miles, and miles, and miles, away from her home and genital mutilation to get herself an education, to the daring escape of a pregnant young girl (Karishma Mathur) who offers matter-of-fact instructions in A Teenage Girl's Guide to Surviving Sex Slavery, to a girl in a wedding dress (Priyanka Sethia) who has spent so much of her life blending in, that her only way out is to kill herself in On the White Rug—these are girls who take matters into their own hands. Then there are the women unafraid to explore the dark recesses of their own minds and memories as It's Not a Baby, it's a Maybe, witnesses a teenager (Kallirroi Tziafeta) talk herself through a dilemma about a baby, that may very well not be, if she so decides. 35 Minutes, sees Swati Das in the skin of a girl speaking frankly about being sexually abused by her father's friend and subsequently sold to the sex trade. Pieces like The Joke About my Nose featuring Zaara Dastur and Hunger Blog featuring Uppekha Jain, draw attention to our image-obsessed culture. While Asking the Questions featuring Deena Mavji, does exactly what one might expect of a piece so titled. Then there is the ensemble My Short Skirt in which the girls assert their right to wear a short skirt without it being viewed an an announcement of lack of morality, an indication of sexual availability or an invitation for rape. But perhaps the most memorable of the pieces, is a young Chinese girl assembling the heads of Barbies in a factory, trying to send young girls messages to be themselves by psyching her thoughts into the mind of each Barbie she assembles. “Free Barbie” is the message, she (Kathryn Tabone) is broadcasting through the telepathic messaging system she calls 'head-sent'—the only messaging system that will work in the sweatshop environs she is trapped. As expected of an Eve Ensler script, all the pieces are rich in graphic (and emotional) detail, whether blood and guts flying all over the white rug and walls of a pristine room or the sheer guilt-free joy in a woman who escapes sex slavery, on learning that the father of her child is dead. The monologues are interspersed with dance sequences choreographed by Longinus Fernandes (of Slumdog Millionaire and Guzaarish fame) and snatches of music (that one wishes were woven in more smoothly). The activistic message of the play outweighs it artistic merit. Will it encourage the girls of our world to find solidarity in an expression of their individuality, uncowed down by societal expectations? I certainly hope so. This is a play that should be staged out in the streets, where it can float into the ears of everyone with ears. Or perhaps, like the little Chinese girl, who makes the heads of Barbie dolls, the realities that this play highlights can be telepathically “head-sent” to every brain that's still open to ideas unadulterated by commercial revaluations. @AverilNunes I continue highlights of my event photoshoot in this Part 7. I had the privilege of being hired by Poor-Box Productions (of "The Vagina Monologues" fame) to photograph the debuting theatre performance of Eve Ensler's globally acclaimed play "Emotional Creature", produced and directed by Mahabanoo Mody-Kotwal & Kaizaad Kotwal, at the NCPA Mumbai on March 15, 2014. Reproduced here, with permission, are my those photos I believe do justice in capturing the intense emotion and vigour with which the nine-member cast brought out the strong messages in the play. And to do justice to them all, I need to break up my photo essay into multiple parts.
I continue highlights of my event photoshoot in this Part 6. I had the privilege of being hired by Poor-Box Productions (of "The Vagina Monologues" fame) to photograph the debuting theatre performance of Eve Ensler's globally acclaimed play "Emotional Creature", produced and directed by Mahabanoo Mody-Kotwal & Kaizaad Kotwal, at the NCPA Mumbai on March 15, 2014. Reproduced here, with permission, are my those photos I believe do justice in capturing the intense emotion and vigour with which the nine-member cast brought out the strong messages in the play. And to do justice to them all, I need to break up my photo essay into multiple parts.
![]() http://www.openthemagazine.com/article/arts/echo-of-a-battle-cry Echo of a Battle Cry Eve Ensler’s new play Emotional Creature calls on women to reclaim their emotions, but lacks the power of her classic Vagina Monologues By Richa Kaul-Padte Tagged Under | theatre | Eve Ensler | Emotional Creature SPEAK UP Eve Ensler’s new play, based on a book of the same name, calls for an end to silence (Photo: SHERIAR IRANI) Chang Yin, a young girl from ... I continue highlights of my event photoshoot in this Part 5. I had the privilege of being hired by Poor-Box Productions (of "The Vagina Monologues" fame) to photograph the debuting theatre performance of Eve Ensler's globally acclaimed play "Emotional Creature", produced and directed by Mahabanoo Mody-Kotwal & Kaizaad Kotwal, at the NCPA Mumbai on March 15, 2014. Reproduced here, with permission, are my those photos I believe do justice in capturing the intense emotion and vigour with which the nine-member cast brought out the strong messages in the play. And to do justice to them all, I need to break up my photo essay into multiple parts.
I continue highlights of my event photoshoot in this Part 4. I had the privilege of being hired by Poor-Box Productions (of "The Vagina Monologues" fame) to photograph the debuting theatre performance of Eve Ensler's globally acclaimed play "Emotional Creature", produced and directed by Mahabanoo Mody-Kotwal & Kaizaad Kotwal, at the NCPA Mumbai on March 15, 2014. Reproduced here, with permission, are my those photos I believe do justice in capturing the intense emotion and vigour with which the nine-member cast brought out the strong messages in the play. And to do justice to them all, I need to break up my photo essay into multiple parts.
I continue highlights of my event photoshoot in this Part 3. I had the privilege of being hired by Poor-Box Productions (of "The Vagina Monologues" fame) to photograph the debuting theatre performance of Eve Ensler's globally acclaimed play "Emotional Creature", produced and directed by Mahabanoo Mody-Kotwal & Kaizaad Kotwal, at the NCPA Mumbai on March 15, 2014. Reproduced here, with permission, are my those photos I believe do justice in capturing the intense emotion and vigour with which the nine-member cast brought out the strong messages in the play. And to do justice to them all, I need to break up my photo essay into multiple parts.
I continue highlights of my event photoshoot in this Part 2. I had the privilege of being hired by Poor-Box Productions (of "The Vagina Monologues" fame) to photograph the debuting theatre performance of Eve Ensler's globally acclaimed play "Emotional Creature", produced and directed by Mahabanoo Mody-Kotwal & Kaizaad Kotwal, at the NCPA Mumbai on March 15, 2014. Reproduced here, with permission, are my those photos I believe do justice in capturing the intense emotion and vigour with which the nine-member cast brought out the strong messages in the play. And to do justice to them all, I need to break up my photo essay into multiple parts.
I had the privilege of being hired by Poor-Box Productions (of "The Vagina Monologues" fame) to photograph the debuting theatre performance of Eve Ensler's globally acclaimed play "Emotional Creature", produced and directed by Mahabanoo Mody-Kotwal & Kaizaad Kotwal, at the NCPA Mumbai on March 15, 2014. Reproduced here, with permission, are my those photos I believe do justice in capturing the intense emotion and vigour with which the nine-member cast brought out the strong messages in the play. And to do justice to them all, I need to break up my photo essay into multiple parts, this being the 1st.
![]() Kit lenses (those plastic ones that are sold as part of an inter-changeable lens dslr camera body) are often looked down upon. In reality I have found them far more useful than people give them credit for. The truth really lies in knowing your equipment, something I have addressed in some detail in my previous blog ... "Know thy photography equipment - Part 2 ... how it saved by backside". There are pluses and minuses to using kit lenses. So don't get me wrong, they cannot substitute professional lenses. But they can do a lot. Lens performance is looked at from a very wide range of criteria. Some can be measured, others are more a matter of taste. The key ones are (not necessarily in this order) - build, speed (or how wide the aperture opens), distortion, centre sharpness, peripheral sharpness, sharpness at different apertures, colour rendition, ability to handle flare, chromatic aberration, bokeh, image stabilisation, zoom range, filter size, smoothness of movement, focus shift, focus breathing, and many others. Also, if you have a fetish for gadget looks then add finish and feel as well to my list above. And last but not the least, price. Here I shall limit myself to my experiences with the key criteria. ![]() In Part 1 I talked about the buyer's perspective. But what I discuss here - from the User's perspective - is equally important, even more so for professionals. This is why - you spend all this time and money to buy the camera/lens/accessory just right for you and then the last thing you want is to not use it to it's rated potential (and even beyond, if you are savvy enough). Of course if you have bought something expensive just for snob value, you may want to skip this write-up entirely. Every gadget you acquire can do far more than you will ever use. It is thus not necessary that you have to know its every function in detail. But it Is necessary that you know very well the functions or features that are important to you. Learning curves are no fun but - Trust me - you never know when it will save your backside - like it did for me (see below). ![]() I can't stress this enough ... Know thy camera equipment; especially in this rapidly changing technological world and mis-directed publicity. Cameras, lenses and accessories now come in all shapes, sizes, specifications and tall claims. I have approached this from two perspectives
This part 1 of my write-up looks at the buyer's perspective. |
AuthorA self-taught photographer, Sheriar decided to pursue his passion, photography, professionally over half a decade ago - giving up a successful career in investment banking - and never looked back since. Archives
May 2015